Vision Maker Media’s mission is empowering and engaging Native people to share stories. We envision a world changed and healed by understanding Native stories and the public conversations they generate. We work with VMM funded producers to develop, produce and distribute programs for all public media. VMM supports training to increase the number of Native Americans and Alaska Natives producing public broadcasting programs.

Donor Impact

Here are some highlights of what has been accomplished so far in 2022 with financial support from friends like you whose donations contributed to: 

Creating 128 films available via DVD and/or streaming
Bringing 36 films to your local PBS station for viewing
Sharing our films over 42,800 times on public television stations nationwide
Hosting 99 filmmakers during VMM’s first Filmmaker Summit

Together we can help change and heal the world by better understanding Native stories!

Donor Impact

Here are some highlights of what has been accomplished so far in 2022 with financial support from friends like you whose donations contributed to:

  • Creating 128 films available via DVD and/or streaming
  • Bringing 36 films to your local PBS station for viewing
  • Sharing our films over 42,800 times on public television stations nationwide
  • Hosting 99 filmmakers during VMM’s first Filmmaker Summit

Together we can help change and heal the world by better understanding Native stories!

Behind the Scenes Image from Two Bears

Streaming Now on

*Some videos require PBS Passport Membership.

Bring Her Home
A Qayaq to Carry Us
Manzanar, Diverted
Home From School

SHOP - For Educators & Movie-Lovers

Education CatalogEducation Catalog

Click the image above to flip through our Educational Catalog or click here to download a PDF!

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